Thursday, March 25, 2010


Yesterday was a big surprising day for me as I cooked for the first time and it was dribbling after a long time. My friend, a gourmet praised me for the service. I made an important observation-if I ever need some sort of enthu or energy I watch movies, I go to my friend’s room or my last option will be shopping and preferring brands. It adds a lot confidence to you, at least for me.

Thought of having a nice and sleep but it was a nightmare. To my surprise there was a fight going in between me and the small size mammoth mosquitoes. My situation was worse than the opposition of Spartans in the movie 300 and to be honest they (mosquitoes) were really aggressive in besieging me and are really active in reducing my RBC.

This was the first time and hopefully the last time attending my university paper with almost negligible preparation.

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