Monday, December 28, 2020


T12345, T45678, T....., these were the common T codes which you can see scribling everywhere possible. No, that is not SAP related Transaction codes but related to the matrimony websites in sreach of a bride for me.

Attaining an age of 26 and 23 for boy and girl respectively makes Indian parents go sleepless nights and sometimes nightmares till the time they get married and I'm no different. There was quiet a lot of buzz going on with the girls photographs, their zodiac signs and the family background. I just a simple requirement. We should be making a good pair as in "made for each other". I've visited to couple of the prospective bride's house for a very casual and formal discussion. When parents of both side ask the prospective bride and groom to go to another room to get to know each other, it makes me very uncomfortable and nervous as well.

Then all those days, my mom was very excited and eager to know who shall be the lucky charm as the daugther-in-law, who can take responsibilities, who can live up to the expectations, who can imbibe in our family's traditions and culture. She had a vow to perform my marriage before i turn 30. This number to my mom is very alarming and intimidationg. The bride's market is so limited and dont wanna look for a grrom who's 30.She just wanna hit the bulls eye. On the other side, my dad, 62, was learning the art of astrology. Kudos to my dad who has the quest to learn something entirely a new subject at such an age. He learnt the basics so well that he used to tell the bride's parents right away, after asking the nakshatra & gotram, for a yellow, red or green lights.

On one fine day, my mom decided to stay with me at Erode for few days as she thinks I've become skinny and very soon my skeleton would be visible for a science fair. She wanna add some fats to my body. Together we had good time. I told her that I used to eat non-veg and now restained completely. I told her that I very occasionally take alcohol. It was when she received a call from back home that one of the tenants has occupied a commercial space and now not vacating the thing even after polite discussions. My mom's BP rose to the highest levels, blood boiling to the some 1000 C and was unable to sleep that night. She has decided to go back home the following cutting short the trip. I also wanted to go along her so that there should be nothing bad happening and everything under control.

By the time we reached our hometown, there were few discussions with the tenant and there was also a formal meeting on the table with the prospective bride at a temple on mutual agreed time. Since we both had a brief video talk, we know a bit of background about each other. After we had blessings from the temple diety, we sat under a tree on a cemented bench at the entrance of the temple. I talked a bit and I can see she was bit nervous talking to starngers. Conversation lasted for about 5 min may be. Out both families departed. I liked the girl. She liked me. Our families came together and the final date was decided for the auspicious ceremony, Dec 24th 2015.

Marriages are made in heaven does'nt need to be literally be that way. In my case, I was headed to my hometown for some other purpose and something else was destined to happen. We exchanged no.s and we spoke hours together. Texting. Sleepless nights. During work. During meetings. In canteen. This is a very strange feeling. I loved it. Love was all over the place. Marriage was indeed a huge responsibility. Unprepared and ready to face the challenge with a smile along with my better half.

We had a grand reception on Nov 21 2015 and the marriage date was fixed on Dec 15 2015. The marriage was pulled out in a very grandoise way. Held in a truly sounth Indian brahmin cultured style, me wearing just a white dhoti exposing my white skinny with a little flesh over my skeleton all through out the ceremony and my better half changed the costume couple of times. Since both the families are from the same place, Warangal and both of the families have a lot of common relatives, the hall was full with nearing about 1000 attendees. The stage was decorated with one of the most unique designs at the time. Till date many of our relatives talk about the extravaganza.

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