Saturday, March 6, 2010


After a lot of delay and the postponement for the farewell party,finally we were "successful" in giving farewell.The reason why in emphasized successful because the entire event was planned within no time and i should appreciate for the efforts done by the cultural club memebers.The event was so well conducted,the cultural programs,the coordination,everything was well except the very mild cold war between the juniors and the seniors.But atlast we requested them to attend the party and which was one of the reason to be successful.
  Today i performed dance for couple of songs and this was a complete surprise package for many of my seniors because their perception was complete different about me.Then followed the dinner session clubed with photo session.All the seniors were so excited about the later one as this will be emotional and memorable moments in their life.They were enjoyin their last moments of their college to the fullest.Then they will be chasing behind the hectic schedules,almost unattainable targets,deadly deadlines.But this is life."ALL IZZ WELL!!!"
 Then followed the dj party and just ended.

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